Friday 17 July 2015

What I've Been Reading...

At the beginning of the year I did a post all about the books I had read in 2014 and mentioned that my aim for 2015 was to read 52 books. We're just over half way through the year and I'm making good progress so thought I'd share with you my favourite books of the year so far!

I Am Malala by Malala Yousafzai: This is an inspiring story of an incredibly brave girl who is not afraid to fight for what she believes in. It made me smile and cry and I was left completely in awe of Malala. I have even more respect for her after reading this book because there is so much of her story that you didn't see in the media and I would really love everyone to read this!

The Art of Being Normal by Lisa Williamson:  It's so rare to find books without cis/heterosexual protagonists so when a friend lent me this book I was so excited. It's a nice easy read but has such a lovely message about learning to accept people for who they are and standing up for your friends.

Rainbow in the Cloud by Maya Angelou: This was a birthday gift from a friend of mine who knows my love for Maya Angelou. It's a short but sweet book filled with quotes and extracts from Maya herself which inspire and provide wisdom and put such a smile on my face. I've also read the third book from her autobiographical series this year and plan on reading the remaining two soon.

The Day We Disappeared by Lucy Robinson: I bought this one a whim as the blurb didn't give much away in terms of the story but I'm so glad I read this! The story was full of twists and surprises which kept me turning the pages. I've since lent it to people I know and they've all agreed that it's a great read.

The Girl on the Train by Paula Hawkins: This is a really well known one but I've only recently got round to reading it. Once I'd started though I read it in about 24 hours because it had me gripped. It's a great mystery novel and I really didn't guess the twist until very near the end. It's being made into a film soon so I'd recommend reading the book before this comes out!

How I Paid for College by Marc Acito: This was such a fun read! Very lighthearted and entertaining but as I'm off to uni this year it really struck a chord with me and had a message that really resonated with me- if you want something enough don't give up on it!

Changed for Good: A Feminist History of the Broadway Musical by Stacy Wolf: My most recent read is a bit of an eclectic one. I'm a massive musical theatre geek and an even bigger feminist so this read was so interesting to me. It revealed a lot to me about some of my favourite Broadway shows that I hadn't even realised was there and reminded me why I love theatre so much! Not one for everything but if you want an in-depth look at musical theatre it's worth a read.

I'm just over half-way to hitting my target so if you have any recommendations I'll definitely give them a go!

Olivia Ellen XXX

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